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Sorting through the fallout of yesterday's announced reorganization at Yahoo! is a job best left to tech-dirt-shovelling sister site Valleywag (we could never hope to equal our boss's facility with neon green arrows), but we've seen corporate reshuffling victim and former ABC bigwig Lloyd "Ever Hear Of 'Desperate Housewives' And 'Lost'? Yeah, Those Were Mine Before They Fired Me'" Braun's headshot enough times this morning to seek out what he had to say about leaving the internet company that hired him in an ill-conceived attempt to make their operation more "Hollywoody." Reports the LAT:

A seasoned TV veteran, Braun initially struggled to find his footing at the Internet company. He clashed with some Yahoo old-timers, and several of his projects never got off the ground.

Braun earned modest praise more recently for resetting his ambitions and implementing some valuable changes. He worked with "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" producer Michael Davies to create online shows, redesigned several Yahoo properties and launched new ones focused on food and technology.

Braun said his resignation was not prompted specifically by the restructuring. "I accomplished most of my goals in coming here," he said. "I'm really ready for another challenge, perhaps one that combines old media and new media."

While Braun's immediate career plans are still unclear, he's not yet ready to give up on his quest to seamlessly mate old and new media. Yahoo may have resisted his bold attempts to develop a cathode-ray-tube and antenna-equipped "streaming" box, which when placed on a desk next to a computer, would allow users to watch network television programming as they surf the internet, but he's confident he'll quickly find some company with the necessary vision to help him realize his crazy dream.