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Plucky Canadian feminist Rachel Sklar (happy birthday, kiddo!) confronts Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter about that Chris Hitchens "Bitches Ain't Funny" column. Carter pal Kurt Andersen defends Carter's right to run a whole bunch of crap in his magazine without reading it first. [Observer]
What's the secret to getting a table at Graydon Carter's new restaurant? When you call to make a reservation, start by saying "Chicks are only good for sucking dick and cleaning clothes." [WWD]
Clutch Cargo refugee Ariel Foxman to Time Inc. [NYP, second item]
Russ Mitchell named CBS Early Show news anchor. Your life will remain the same. [TVNewser]
Be honest, would you pay $5 for Newsweek? Yeah, we thought not. [Mediaweek]
There's space available at the forthcoming Times tower. [NYP]
Katie Couric's hairstylist pitches a fit. It's another Radar EXCLUSIVE! [Radar]
Thumbvertising. Yes, it's exactly as stupid as it sounds. [Guardian]