
Charlie Rose's Vampirish Glare Coming to Morning TV

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 03:05PM

In your overcast Tuesday media column: new faces at the CBS Early Show, Native American journalists are broke, UK editorial staffs decline, a New York Times fashion app, and Conde Nast launches its own ad network.

Breaking: Twitter Is Crap

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/11 02:21PM

In your wheezing Monday media column: Matt Drudge lives, the WaPo union gets cheeky, Robert Lipsyte snipes, CBS cans its Early Show producer, Phillippe Dauman is overpaid, and Ann Curry is happy.

Construction Worker Claims He Will Capture Osama bin Laden

Lissette Aguilar · 06/28/10 01:41PM

Today, The View welcomed Gary Brooks Faulkner, who's confident he will hunt down bin Laden successfully. What makes Faulkner sure? They share an "equal camaraderie": they're both on dialysis, and bin Laden's in a cave waiting to be captured.

Ben Sherwood Spotted In CBS Early Show Talks

Ryan Tate · 03/09/08 05:24PM

On Friday we asked if former Good Morning America producer Ben Sherwood was in talks about running CBS' Early Show following the departure of disastrous producer Shelley Ross. Since then, TVNewser spoke to "insiders" who said Sherwood talked to CBS executives about the job, and we got a tip that Sherwood was seen last week having drinks with CBS Evening News producer Rick Kaplan, who is running the Early Show on an interim basis. The tipster said the two were seen "far, far away from the office." (Photo via