Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Oliver Stone Bucks Gay Bar Protocol With Tipsy Female Companions

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week—so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you got lost in the McDreamy eyes of Patrick Dempsey doing some holiday shopping at the Disney Employee Store.
In today's episode: Oliver Stone; Ashton Kutcher; Kiefer Sutherland and John Mayer; James Woods; Patrick Dempsey; Chloe Sevigny; Cuba Gooding Jr.; Tommy Lee and Hayden Panettiere; Fergie; Travis Barker; Steve Kmetko and Demetri Martin.
· Hey... saw Oliver Stone + 2 women come out of East-West gay bar on Santa Monica Blvd. around 1:30 am [12-8-06]... No height surprises, just as what i envisioned 5'11, dark suit, with 2 drunk women... holding both women's waists as they were exiting the door; bumped into one of the girls coming in... He kissed one girl on the street on the way to their car, while the other looked on.
· 12/06- Spotted Ashton Kutcher at American Rag (Is the "Cie" really necessary?), sporting a navy blue sweatshirt and a terrifying trailer park molestache. He's pretty tall, but with bad posture, and seemed friendly, chatting for a bit with a generic gay man who was fawning over him. He may have been an aquaintance, but I wasn't listening closely enough to tell.
· Kiefer Sutherland chilling at the VH1 Save the Music party Fri night at some mansion off Mulholland in BH. Talking to what looked like business associates, and not even drinking, which is sad because I was hoping he'd go another round with a Christmas tree. Probably there because that lame band he manages was playing. Speaking of lame, John Mayer was there, and that eastern european guy from Rockstar Supernova who I think lost in the final round.
· 12/3 - After noticing the James Woods and "niece" age blonde sighting at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Saturday, I thought I'd mention that I saw the same except the two were standing outside the L'Ermitage on Sunday. Not sure if it's the same young blonde. Some may say, "Good for you, James Woods." I say, "Ick."
· Disney/ABC/Buena Vista Pictures films sitcoms and what not on Thursdays and Fridays on the lot. Everyone always sees famous people except for me (though I have seen the guy from 'What About Brian' in the commissary but I think the work "famous" would be a stretch). Well....today I go to the Disney Employee Store on the lot to pick up a few things for the holidays and who looks straight in my eyes while i'm waiting at the register?? Patrick Dempsey. I couldn't tell if he was dressed casually as part of his "costume" (b/c it kind of looked like the stuff he wears on the show) or if he just came by to pick stuff up. He was shopping for little girl clothes.
· Saturday night at Silver Lake's Edendale Grill, the best restaurant that used to be a firehouse that I've ever eaten in, a dining companion nearly choked on her salad when she realized that we were in the presence of hipster royalty, as Chloe Sevigny was holding court with several friends a couple of tables over. I calmly informed her that I was not in the least impressed, as I have previously seen brighter lights like Ashley Olsen and Maura Tierney at this particular establishment, the celebrity-sighting benchmarks by which all others will forever be judged.
· Two not-very-exciting Valley sightings. I know, I know, all the cool people live on the other side of the hill.
A casually dressed Cuba Gooding Jr. was at Henry's Tacos in Studio City on Tuesday afternoon, December 5. A woman (blonde, perhaps—hard to tell through the tinted windows) stayed in their massive SUV while he jumped out and ordered. Either she's more famous than he is or he's a gentleman.
And last night (12/7), John C. Reilly slipped into a chauffeur-driven town car after shopping at the Longs drugstore at the corner of Ventura and Laurel Canyon. He looked exhausted (and was dressed sloppily in jeans and an untucked plaid shirt) but was very pleasant as he asked the driver to take him home.
· 12/2 8:00pm-ish: I saw Tommy Lee at the VH1 "big in 06" event layin' his rap on Hayden Panettiere (aka. the cheerleader) during a trip out to his car for some "refreshments" with the other supernova members. All were in good spirits on the return trip to stage 30, when Tommy helped the Cheerleader over some dangerous ground clutter in a most gentlemanly fashion. I wonder if this means we will see Hayden going to the ER for "exhaustion" anytime soon? And I hope she has on some panties when she gets out of the car.
· I saw Fergie at the airport in Las Vegas on Sunday afternoon, talking about a missed flight on her cellphone. She looked way better in person than I expected...
· black friday: saw travis barker walking down Wilshire blvd in santa monica holding several baby gap bags. what a rebel.
· Saw Greg Louganis' ex, former E! News Daily host Steve Kmetko, having breakfast (12-6) at my favorite spot (name redacted lest it be overrun with Kmetko-stalking pancake lovers) in Silver Lake. He was sitting with a group of middle-aged gay dudes. I wasn't really listening, but I couldn't help but overhear when he yelled, "It's when the stewardesses have to take their seats that you say to yourself, 'Shit!!!'" To be honest, I barely recognized him—he's put on a whole lot of weight since his on-camera days. Bet Greg's still rockin' the diver's body. Burn!
· Thurs Dec 7, 1:00ish, Third Street Promenade, standing outside Le Pain Quotidien after a lovely lunch. Spotted the adorable Demetri Martin exiting the Tower Records store. He was wearing a blue Disney sweatshirt with Mickey Mouse on it, and did not appear to have purchased anything. But he was sporting a Discman instead of an Ipod. Rock on with your old school self, Demetri!
[Ed. note: There has been some debate in the comments recently over perceived "planted" sightings. We can assure you, every PrivacyWatch submission goes through a rigorous, 28-step quality control process, upon which any sighting deemed not to meet our high standards is published anyway. The following sighting, however, is only being posted as an example of the kind of sightings we don't want to receive: Not only did it occur in Australia (just a smidge out of our required region of the greater LA area), it's pretty much the most blatant plug for two sound guys the world could care less about we've ever seen.
· Kate Hudson (on location in Port Douglas, Queensland Australia filming "Fool's Gold" for Warner Bros) seen having dinner with American sound engineers Brian McCarty & Jeff Wexler at Sea Temple Resort. McCarty & Wexler are preparing the Coral Sea Studios project for high end music and post-production recording. Wexler was sound mixer on Hudson's breakthru picture "Always Famous".