Christmas Once Again Under Threat From Harvey Weistein

Say what you will about Harvey Weinstein - he's a big fat Heeb with a bad temper and a gruff, uncouth manner - but the man knows his marketing. Consider the forthcoming Black X-Mas, a Santa-slasher pic from the Weinstein Company being released on Christmas Day! The holiest day of the year! Predictably, the outrage police have already had their hackles raised: Matt Drudge links to this Nikki Finke cri de couer:
Shame, shame, shame on Harvey and Bob Weinstein, and their distributor MGM's Harry Sloan, for opening a holiday-themed slasher movie on Christmas Day. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the ads and release date for Black Christmas from Dimension/MGM. The promos even make fun of "people who express outrage" as well as the plot's body count. And the entertainment industry wonders why it continues to have a huge PR problem as promoters of garbage?
Now, there are a couple of possibilities here: Either the Weinsteins know that they have a turd on their hands and they're dumping it in theatres at the last possible moments with the hope that the sanctimony brigade will gin up enough publicity to ensure at least a decent opening or, you know, Jewish executives worship money above all else, by promoting for profit the adulation of violence.
Actually, maybe they're not mutually exclusive.