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By our count, David Carr has written around 5,000 words on his Carpetbagger Oscar blog since the Golden Globe nominations were announced yesterday morning, with no signs of slowing down. In addition to this preposterous loquaciousness, he also refers to himself in the third person as "the Bagger" (windbagger, perhaps?). Most of it's rather enjoyable, if insidery, analysis of movies and movie stars (done in conjunction with Styles writer Paula Schwartz, who is referred to as—wince—the Baguette), but every so often he throws in a gem:

The Bagger is a bit owly this morning because yesterday he filed items from a cab, a Starbucks and a park bench. Doing real work, as opposed to sitting in his basement stroking his nonexistent beard, fatigues him and causes a loss of perspective. The Bagger has assisted in the manufacture of both jelly beans and hydraulic tube assemblies to earn a living.

Ladies and gentlemen, David Carr, man of the people. And jelly beans.

The Carpetbagger