Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Kiefer Sutherland-Christmas Tree Peace Accord Still In Effect

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week—so send in all your holiday shopping and partying sightings. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Axl Rose shopping at the Calabasas Gelson's, where the produce is green and the checkout girls pretty.
In today's star-studded holiday spectacular: Kiefer Sutherland; Penelope Cruz; Halle Berry; Tobey Maguire; Jennifer Garner; Lauren Sanchez; Kate Hudson; Jorja Fox; Lance Bass; Milo Ventimiglia; Axl Rose; Paul Stanley; Taylor Hawkins; Gael Garc a Bernal; Britney Spears; Alec Baldwin and Mekhi Phifer; Winona Ryder; Jennifer Esposito and Bradley Cooper; Keanu Reeves; Kevin Costner; Lindsay Lohan and DJ AM; Amy Adams; Mena Suvari; Andy Dick; Hank Azaria; Cheryl Hines, Chloe Sevigny; Jeff Probst; Sean Hayes; Andy Milonakis; Richard Lewis; Ian Ziering; Pauly Shore and Lark Voorhies.
· busy two days in la....
12.16 saturday morning-breakfast at BLD (fantastic cheese and saucison assortment) in walks kiefer sutherland. could he be anymore divine??? tall, light, and handsome.
12.16 saturday afternoon- late lunch and a smart cocktail at the chateau, sitting next to penelope cruz looking very normal, with agent types pitching her a story. she had sort of a blank "dear-in-the-headlights" stare on her face the whole
12.17 sunday afternoon- paper source beverly hills, shopping with an unbelievably gorgeous halle berry. beautiful, sweet, and very quiet.
· I saw Tobey Maguire at LACMA Sunday with famous LA sculptor(sculptress) Ver. They were in the Magritte exhibit arguing over a Ruscha painting. He was in a knit cap w/ a skull and black sweater, she had all black.
· Purchasing some last minute gifts in the Brentwood Country Market, I saw Jen Garner with her daughter. She is a very pretty lady and the baby is adorable. Wish I could say the same for her companion who looked like her face was made of marzipan. Upon closer inspection, saw it was former hoochie newscaster from the defunct UPN news, Lauren Sanchez. Girlfriend is lucky it was a cold day because that face doesn't look like it can withstand temperatures in excess of 75 degrees nor should it be visible during the holidays. Little children like to be scared at Halloween only, lady.
· Dec. 14th.
Spotted Kate Hudson at Planet Blue in Santa Monica. She spent time shopping, chatted with a friend, then dashed out the door to her car where photogs snapped into action and surrounded the car. The driver sped away and she went off into her life of privilege nepotism. I'm sure she's lovely, but she walks like the world is at her feet. Of course, with her pedigree, that's not so unusual, but really, would she be where she is without her connections? Si possible, but a toss up.
Dec. 14th.
Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle from CSI) at JCrew Fashion Square
Lance Bass at JCrew Fashion Square
Milo Ventimiglia (Jess from Gilmore Girls and now from Heroes) at JCrew Fashion Square
· put me down for a rock star triple header.
friday, 12/15, lunchtime. paul stanley of kiss enjoying a little nosh at the beverly glen deli, complete with a baseball cap, flavored dasani and tall, good looking blonde.
sunday, 12/17, dusk. taylor hawkins of the foo fighters at the register of the cvs on the woodland hills/calabasas border with a lady friend.
monday, 12/18, 5pm. axl rose, grocery shopping (!) with a striking looking and european-accented brunette at the gelson's in calabasas. there was no mistaking him with the yarn on his head, oversized platinum cross and leather jacket featuring the words 'fuck you' printed upside down under a tiger. he was walking around, following his girlfriend's cart and snacking out of a can of pringles. considering this guy was a rock god and total recluse for the better part of the last 15 years, to see him quietly out and about amongt the west valley's finest house fraus, taking a great interest in the local suburban haagen dazs selection was kind of mindblowing.
· Saw Gael Garc a Bernal hanging out with a bunch of other industry types on the patio of the restaurant Chaya after a screening of "Pan's Labyrinth" tonight. The guy is surprisingly slight of frame and short (5'6" I'd guess), but just as unfairly handsome in real life as he is on screen. He was nursing a bottle of Pilsner Urquell while wearing a leather jacket over a vintage tee (alas, not one featuring Che Guevara) and those Weezer horn-rim glasses that are so popular. It turned out that the tall guy with the windswept salt-and-pepper hair wearing a blazer he was talking to was fellow charolastra, "Y Tu Mam Tambi n" director Alfonso Cuar n.
· I saw Britney Spears at the Lakers-Wizards game last night sitting courtside at center court with a member of the striped shirt mafia and some random blond girl. Unfortunately the 3x optical zoom on my camera limited my ability to determine, with any great degree of certainty, whether she is truly back on Team Panty. They left midway through the 3rd quarter and were thus spared the pain of watching Gilbert Arenas drop 60 on the Lakers.
· Double bubble at the 24-Hr Fitness Sherman Oaks. First up, ER's Dr Pratt aka Mekhi Phifer hitting the weights in sleeveless sweats. Surprisingly beefy, but warm smiles and hugs for a couple of hot chicks who knew him. Then - oh bliss — enter the sweat-drenched presence of 30 Rock's Alec Baldwin. He is, ahem, a person of size these days, but that is, as we know, the price for a character actor renaissance.
Okay, the details — blue Adidas top, kept zipped up, so no chest hair explosion; piercing blue eyes; very ursine (bearlike) hands. Total old school - no personal trainer, towel on the floor, drinks from the communal fountain. He's such a man's man, it's genius. In between reps, he actually stood there like General Patton, hands on hips, surveying the terrain.
· Saw ms Winona Ryder today at Barnes and Noble at the Grove. She was in the magazine section with her good friend looking at all the displayed Mags. She was looking sweet and very tiny.
· What's up with The Grove? On my way to the 4:30 showing of The Good German today (12/15) I saw Jennifer Esposito and fiance Bradley Cooper walking arm in arm looking very happy. She looked gorgeous. Then at Barnes and Noble a few minutes before the show, Ralph Garman from KROQ's morning show was perusing the cheap books, and later picked up a copy of the Forsythe Saga mini-series on DVD. So I guess he's so blase about his pornstar wife, he has to turn to ye olde BBC miniseries for excitement. Then as the credits rolled and I scooted down the row to leave...I realized I'd been sitting next to Ralph's nemesis, a shaggy-bearded Keanu Reeves (and date).
· Hit the outdoor deck at Moonshadows in Malibu (yes, the watering hole of choice for Jew-baiting celebrities) to enjoy some cocktails and overpriced calamari with friends late yesterday afternoon and sat down adjacent to Kevin Costner and Friends. He was holding court with 3 other producer-looking types. It looked more like business than pleasure. Costner was unshaven and looked rather ruddy complected—-or maybe that's just the celebrity Malibu glow??
· Christmas: a time when celebrities will come to the Grove even on Saturdays. Amy Adams, standing outside J. Crew, apparently waiting for someone despite brisk wind and cold. Her eyes were a little baggy (holiday stresses perhaps) but otherwise button-cute. Sadly, I was too self-absorbed to notice what she was wearing.
· After seeing the incredible Peaches perform for the fifth time, my friends and I went to Whitey's (the opening band) after party but alas Peaches did not show up. Whitey was there, and so were DJ Aoki and DJ AM. Someone who resembled Lindsay BLOWhan stopped by briefly wearing a helluva trench coat-dress thingy. She tried to fade into the background unnoticed.
· 12/18- I was having dinner at the Corral Tree Cafe in Brentwood when I realized Mena Suvari was sitting next to me. She was having tea with a friend. She had on a beret, huge boots and her fingernails were painted black and white. She looked normal (for Corral Tree Cafe, that is) and it took me a couple times to realize it was her. Pretty girl.
· 12/16: Andy Dick at Westwood Brew Co. Saturday at 1pm. He was there drinking beer at the entrance with a couple. We had just finished a final and he was greeting us in a tipsy mocking sort of way. Loud and obnoxious, he sidled over to our table to gain more attention with beer in hand and made up being there for a premiere. Those he didn't annoy/disgust asked for a picture. A friend noted that Andy Dick is like the Pauley Shore of our generation. Very apt.
· Rushing to the mall (Westside Pavillion to be exact) on a Friday night to buy, not Christmas Gifts, but clothes for a getaway to Norco, CA (nevermind that part) and who do my 'lil sis and I see as we descend the escalator but Hank Azaria wandering aimlessly around the third level. He had a huge green shopping bag in hand and kept looking over the railing & turning around in circles. I think he was lost. I mean, why the hell else would anyone of his celeb stature shop at Westside Pavillion? Oh...wait...
· 12-15 Two interesting sightings:
Cheryl Hines, with a cart full o' holiday gifts at the West Hollywood Target, steering with one hand and clutching cellphone to ear with the other. She looks like a more attractive Gelfling.
Later I spotted Chloe Sevigny wandering through the aisles at Bed Bath & Beyond at the Sunset and Vine complex. I almost didn't recognize her without Vincent Gallo's — eh, that's too easy.
· saturday dec 16- jeff probst practically sprinting into, where else? The grove farmers market. he had on a denim shirt, no seriously. does he buy in bulk from ll bean? smiled at me as he whizzed by.
sunday dec 17 - pinkberry on larchmont. sean hayes eating fro-yo with male companion. not karen.
· Yesterday, 12/15, I got a two-fer! On my way to a company holiday lunch, I was driving up Fairfax near Canter's, when I saw Andy Milonakis on the corner, waiting to cross. He had an unlit cigarette in one hand, looking like your average thirty-something-guy-with-an-incredibly-young-fat-kid-face.
Then, as I was running into the Mondrian to get to Asia de Cuba for the lunch (I was incredibly late and had an "Ugly Betty" like experience with parking - valets make me nervous!), I spot comedian Richard Lewis sitting alone at a table, joking and saying goodbye to a departing couple. Apparently he was waiting for his lunch companions, as later on he moved to the patio near where we were sitting.
· Wednesday night, 12/13, I was walking down Sunset Blvd and I saw Steve Sanders (Ian Ziering) at that small cigar lounge near the House of Blues. He was standing in the doorway smoking a cigar, talking with the guys inside. Seemed like they were all having a good time.
· I was at Jinky's on Sunset late on Saturday morning. Pauly Shore was there and he had his feet up on the table where he and his buddies were eating. No one complained and no one who worked at the restaurant told him to quit it. Fucking disgusting asshole.
· Here's one off the D-list: Saw Lisa Turtle (Lark Voorhies) getting her nails did in Eagle Rock on Saturday. She's very pretty but was wearing a hell of a lot of make-up for the middle of the day and pearls the size of gumballs. She seemed especially overdone in comparison to her mother (I recognized her from the True Hollywood Story on child stars) who was wearing sweatpants, a giant poncho and heels.