MisShapes: "The Negative Is Often More Appealing To People Than the Positive"

The Style.com video library just keeps getting better! After chronicling the Tinz and co. on Halloween, they've now moved on to the socialites of the Lower East Side, the MisShapes. They've filmed Geordon and Leigh "Princess Coldstare" Lezark (or Lezard, if you're Vogue) waxing nostalgic about the early days of their empire ("Three years ago we threw this New Year's party. It was kind of a joke—we didn't want to go out") and the legions of partygoers who have paraded in front of the infamous white wall ("People come dressed to the nines. People come in a tank top. To us, there's no difference").
But most important, they also consider their treatment in the press. We have to admit, even we felt a slight tug on the heartstrings when Leigh and Geordon told the camera that "the press focuses on creating drama between us and another celebrity" because "the negative is often more appealing than the positive." That is so true! Why can't we all just get along, in a MisShapes-inspired trance of Hilary Duffness and Madonna H&M tracksuits? WHY?
Inside the World of New York's Busiest Party People [Style.com]
Earlier: This Month in 'Vogue' Subtext: Leigh Is, Like, Lezarded?