Gold Star Motel: Special All-Gabe Edition

Each week, a reader comment per day is selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. But this week was Hanukah, so we decided to only consider comments on Gabe-related posts. Standards of excellence are still, as usual, arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re: Gawker Pinup Gallery
worst_1_yet: "I was wondering how long it would take to make the post asking "How Much Ambien Do I Need to Off Myself?" look positively principled by comparison, but I think I've got my answer."
Re: Gawker Pinup Gallery
transomist: "this is hot? you all need to get out more."
Re: Gawker Pinup Galley: Teasing You Softly
ellagood: "why is "top" a tag here?"
Re: Gawker Pinup Galley: Teasing You Softly
blackstrap: "this obliterates my jew shame and sends my gay shame through the roof! woof!"
Re: Gabe's Digits: Only Six Days Left To Bid
momo: "have i descended to the level of mary_mouse? (give 'mary' a whole new meaning i suppose)
not stalky, just putting a twist on the thing
and sort of drunk, not in the faux bloggery way, but in the way of sitting at my desk, chugging coffee and acting like i'm working on a logistics issue kind of way."