
"An Escape Goat Is Better Than A Getaway Car"

Choire · 10/19/07 03:50PM

Our commenters are, some say, an added value to our website. Some say otherwise! Aannnnnyhooo, our crazed uber-commenter (and Gawker ad fella!) LolCait reads every word of it—and rewards that which makes him laugh and cry.

The Commies

abalk · 09/14/07 02:28PM

Each week, our commenters blab and blab and blab. We used to reward them arbitrarily with a night in our Gold Star Motel. But that was just to get them to shut up. Who will listen to them? Who will care? Not us! But we know who cares: Crazed uber-commenter LolCait cares! That's right, we've set our chattiest commenter to the task of tracking the best of commenting each week. Boy, we feel for whoever's paying LolCait's paycheck at the day job.

Like Going To Church To Learn How To Sing

Emily Gould · 08/24/07 02:40PM

Every week, we single out some commenters who made a special effort. If we didn't pick you, you've been doing something horribly wrong.

He's Just Not That Far Into You

Emily Gould · 08/10/07 02:40PM

This time each week, we coo and kvell
O'er comments that made us LOL
That's self-indulgent? Yeah, you bet!
But face it: so's the Internet.

Dude Better Take Those Spring Break Pics Off His Facebook

Emily Gould · 08/03/07 03:15PM

This was such a magical week for comments, you guys. Seriously! (A circle jerk of hilarity amid the vituperation!) We sometimes found ourselves laughing so hard we cried. Laughing and crying, you know, it's the same release.

Crumple Face Cry

Emily Gould · 07/27/07 03:05PM

This week was a banner week for excellence in commenting. In addition to the commenters listed below, we'd like to extend a special honorary group gold star to everyone who commented on that 'singlefiers' post, except Thomas Pynchon, who can go eat the four week old lite cottage cheese from a single lady's fridge.

Oh, The Onanity

Choire · 07/20/07 02:56PM

Each week, we celebrate some commenters, because we mistakenly think that commenting isn't its own reward. (Actually, it so is!) This week, I'm giving out awards! Not cash awards. But made-up awards, like the Nobel prize or a Nebula or a Hugo or something. Wait, first I'm going to make a pot of coffee. Okay, back! Let's do it!

The Winter Of Her Discount Bin

Emily Gould · 07/13/07 01:00PM

Every week, we pick some comments that made us LOL or in some cases "heh"OL and post them here so everyone can enjoy. This week was extra funny because of the new moon on Saturday that's stimulating everyone's pineal gland. Our bodies are mostly water!
Re:Tina Brown Last Night Among The People

The Sort Of Stuff I Like To Look At

Emily Gould · 07/06/07 03:55PM

Every week we single some commenters out for approbation. This week, because we're feeling extra nice (also: loopy! and tired), we're explaining the "reasoning" behind our decisions.

A Position At Racked

Emily Gould · 06/29/07 03:42PM

Every week, and now sometimes every day, we single especially funny commenters out and stroke them until they're gratified.

Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan

Choire · 06/15/07 12:58PM

Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. You know why? Because we're mad with power. Or because we're hoping some commenters will totally date us.

Leo Philtardo

Emily Gould · 06/08/07 04:40PM

Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. Sometimes these comments were made by the same people we just redundancied. There's a lesson there, but we have no idea what it is.

The Psycho Plea

abalk · 05/25/07 01:44PM

Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. Maybe they'll inspire you to be smarter, funnier, and an all-around better person. Maybe not!

The Day Tina First Saw The Statue Of Liberty

Emily Gould · 05/18/07 04:26PM

Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. Maybe they'll inspire you to be smarter, funnier, and an all-around better person. Maybe not!

People Shouldn't Die

Emily Gould · 05/11/07 03:15PM

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week, all the Gold Stars are taken from the post where we asked for your editorial ideas. Will this be the last Gold Star Motel?

Highway Rest Stop To Heaven

Emily Gould · 05/04/07 03:30PM

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week, all the Gold Stars are taken from the terrible and hilarious puns in the "Rewriting the Post" thread yesterday about Jim McGreevey becoming an Episcopalian priest, just because.

'Who's The Boss' Of My Womb?

Emily Gould · 04/27/07 03:52PM

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:

Gold Star Motel: Dingelhopper

Emily Gould · 04/20/07 04:07PM

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:

Gold Star Motel: Unfold The Prosthetic Wang

Emily Gould · 04/13/07 03:38PM

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week: