Trade Round-Up: Foreigners Make The Baby Jesus Cry

· Var's Peter Bart calls out fellow Academy voter Oprah Winfrey for her rule-bending tendency to loudly campaign for her Oscar favorites. An AMPAS spokesman answers Bart's charges about their acceptance of Winfrey's cheerleading by saying, "Shhhh! She's fucking crazy, she'll have us all killed. Let her slobber all over Jennifer Hudson if it makes her happy." [Variety]
· There's something for everyone at this weekend's box office! As long as you want to see Ben Stiller being chased around by animated dinosaur bones, Sylvester Stallone getting beaten up by a guy young enough to be his grandson, or [spoiler alert] Matt Damon getting urinated on while mud-wrestling with naked men. [THR]
Foreign moviegoers declare war on Christmas, staying away from The Nativity Story in the proverbial droves. [Variety]
· Subtitles: Not just for art-house movie nerds anymore. [THR]
Germans moviegoers are expected to ignore Flags of Our Fathers, as they're getting pretty tired of Hollywood reminding them that they lost World War II. [Variety]