Arnold Schwarzenegger Can Be Made Better Than He Was

There won't be any jubilant Hora dancing with Jewish community leaders for the Governor any time soon, as an increasingly accident prone Arnold Schwarzenegger has managed to do some serious damage to his leg after a skiing accident this weekend in Idaho:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will need crutches, screws to secure his thigh bone and several weeks of recovery after undergoing surgery on his broken leg, his surgeon said.
The 59-year-old governor, actor and former bodybuilder was scheduled for surgery Tuesday morning in Los Angeles to repair his fractured right femur, which he broke while skiing with his family in Sun Valley, Idaho, during the weekend. [...]
Officials haven't said which trail the governor was skiing at Sun Valley when he broke his leg. The resort has a black diamond trail dubbed "Arnold's Run" in honor of Schwarzenegger.
We fear his stainless steel implants will only serve to further blur the lines for the Governor between his mortal self and that make-believe counterpart whom he regularly quotes, The Terminator. The last thing California voters need is a legislator who, convinced of his own bionic super abilities, insists on being dropped by helicopter onto a newly-christened, double-black-diamond "T-101 Run," only to alert the paramedics who rush to attend to his latest fibula-protruding compound fracture, "I cannot self-terminate. You must lower me into the steel!"
- Schwarzenegger to Have Surgery on Leg [CBSNews/AP]