Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'Slow Fall' From Action Hero Glory

The LAT examines the circumstances surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent skiing accident in Idaho and subsequent leg surgery (see accompanying cyborg specs). It's a trip no one seemed to know about, like most of his frequent journeys out of state—1 of every 5.6 days in office, they report—terminating in an accident about which the Governor's people are being extremely reticent. It seems our operative in Idaho was on to something, however, as their investigation indicates Schwarzenegger was careening down the hill at reckless speeds of around 0 mph when the femur snapping occurred:
A friend who spoke to Schwarzenegger after the accident said the governor was "aggravated" about what happened, describing the accident as a "slow fall" on an icy surface.
Schwarzenegger's press office would not release any details about the accident. But Adi Erber, a ski instructor who was with him at the time, said Schwarzenegger was standing still before the accident, preparing for the final 200 yards of the Lower Warm Springs run.
The governor's ski pole became caught in one of his skis, causing him to trip and fall, Erber said, describing it as a "freak accident."
It may not have the added "Maria handing him a cup of scalding hot chocolate" element we dreamed up yesterday, but that succession of events is pretty much exactly how our operative described the Governor's sustained injuries. It's a spastic move completely unbefitting a card carrying member of the Aging 80s Action Heroes Club, and the lack of even a single detonated explosion at the moment his leg made contact with the icy mountain surface will undoubtedly prove more injurious to his legacy than the fact that the secret about his self-indulgent vacation policy is now a matter of public record.