Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Maggie Gyllenhaal And Family Fine After A Disastrous Night At Manka's Lodge

We know many of you are concerned about the legitimately scary turn of events that saw a tree fall on, then start a fire in, Manka's Inverness Lodge in Marin County (pictured), forcing the early morning evacuation of its guests—among them Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal and Frances McDormand and Joel Coen. Well, thanks to a Defamer operative in the vicinity, we can now report that Maggie and family have emerged unscathed, with sandwich-eating appetites intact:
Maggie Gyllenhaal, Pater Sarsgaard, their cute baby and Maggie's mom (I'm guessing) were all eating sandwiches at the Cowgirl Creamery in Point Reyes Station around 2pm this afternoon. They looked like Marin Country natives in fleeces and hiking boots. Must have been recovering from the Manka's fire (damn shame; I spent my honeymoon there and the food was amazing). No Jake in sight. Maggie was complaining about how cold it was and Peter was taking pictures of the baby.
We're in the dark about Jake's whereabouts—he could well still have been at the fire site, doing his menschly duty by helping Manka's chef and co-owner Daniel DeLong sift through the charred rubble. Alternately, he might be running for his life in his boxer shorts down a dirt road from a throng of female and Jake-friendly Bay Area vacationers and locals, waving autograph books in hand and screaming about how much extra bed space they have at their place.