Resolutions Roundup: We Can Stop With The Lists Anytime We Want. Really.

We shared our resolutions with you this morning, and so far, we've stuck to them. Well, except for the one about no more meaningless bullet-pointed lists; we're breaking that one, um, right now. A lot of other bloggers and notable figures of various stripes have also made their 2007 goals public; here, we share our favorites, along with some other resolution-related ephemera.
- For honesty, you can't beat 7Square chef Shane McBride's resolution, as told to Grub Street: ""God. I guess I'd like to make more money."
- Even though it's from last year, we're finding Sir Ben Kingsley's resolution — "To renew my marriage vows to my miracle of a wife every second of every day" — especially poignant, especially considering that the couple have since divorced.
- Wonkette resolves to begin referring to former DC mayor Marion Barry as "Butterstick."
- This automatic New Year's resolution generator thinks we should stop drinking tequila less often, and we couldn't not agree less. [via CCInsider]
- Lifehacker dispenses some practical advice (as is its wont) re: how to make your resolution stick.
- High Class Jackass is going to need it.