
Jail-Bound Teresa Giudice's New Year's Resolution: Give Up "Bad Carbs"

Allie Jones · 12/30/14 02:50PM

The last few days of the year are a great time for everyone to reflect—especially Teresa Giudice, who's heading to prison in a week for bankruptcy, mail, and wire fraud. After all her literal and figurative trials this year, Teresa is committed to improving herself in 2015. Her first step? She'll "stop eating bad carbs."

Pop Culture New Year's Resolutions for 2012

Brian Moylan · 12/30/11 02:00PM

It's almost New Year's Eve and you're going to go to a party and everyone is going to ask, "What is your New Year's Resolution?" Don't say "quit smoking," "lose weight," or "get a new job," because all of those are bound to fail. Here's a list of some nice easy ones that are all related to pop culture that you can tell people you're working on. They're fun and easy and everyone will think you're fantastic for having them.

How to Make Every New Year's Resolution Stick for Good

Brian Moylan · 12/29/10 03:45PM

Every January 1, everyone wakes up with the best intentions of improving themselves and living a better life. By March 12, all those ideals are out the window. Not this year! Here's how to make your resolution last all year.

Nine New Year's Resolutions That Are Bound to Fail

Brian Moylan · 12/31/09 09:53AM

On December 31 everyone is thinking about ways to improve themselves for the coming year. Why bother? That will all be forgotten by February 12, and then you'll still have problems and be a failure. But we're here to help!

"If I Am Sitting At My Computer But Not Logged Into IM, Do I Exist?"

Emily Gould · 12/28/07 03:50PM

"How was work?" asked my Mom yesterday. "Urghhh," I said. Mom waited patiently. "Well, it was nice to touch base with everyone," I said. "Oh, because you have to email back and forth about who's posting about what?" "We don't email, Mom, we instant message each other, and mostly we're just talking." It was true: after a week of abstention from IM, it was nice to have some virtual conversations again! But there's something so dreadful about the IM lifestyle.

Emily Gould · 12/27/07 01:55PM

The #2 most-emailed article from the Times today is about New Year's resolutions you should make on behalf of your skin. Among them: "Stop Smoking" and "Wear Sunscreen."

Resolutions Roundup: We Can Stop With The Lists Anytime We Want. Really.

Emily Gould · 01/02/07 03:30PM

We shared our resolutions with you this morning, and so far, we've stuck to them. Well, except for the one about no more meaningless bullet-pointed lists; we're breaking that one, um, right now. A lot of other bloggers and notable figures of various stripes have also made their 2007 goals public; here, we share our favorites, along with some other resolution-related ephemera.