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Here come the layoffs at the Philadelphia Inquirer. [NYT]
The Times might feel confident enough that everyone's forgotten the whole Jayson Blair thing to ditch the Public Editor position altogether. [NYO]
Gerry Levin's "inner poet" turned out to be some dude who runs a spa. [NYP]
That Allbritton online politics thing scores another defection; this time it's Ben Smith of the Daily News, who snared yesterday's scoop on the stolen Giuliani documents. [NYDN]
Radar's John Cook, Jeff Bercovici get all Woodward and Bernstein on some dude who wrote a mean thing in Brit Hume's Wikipedia entry. [Radar]
Diane Sawyer's not going anywhere. At least until June. [NYT]
Liberty Media's John Malone looking to pick up some Cablevision assets. [NYP]
Union representing WSJ reporters and editors takes out ad in NYT lambasting its own paper. [WWD]
Did the Times use a source who had an interest in the direction of the story he commented on? We're shocked. [Brooklyn Vegan, first comment]
We hope Jon Friedman isn't as quick to pull the plug on his loved ones as he is on Katie Couric. [MarketWatch]
WaPo's Richard Cohen makes HuffPo's Rachel Sklar fear for her decayingg ovaries. [ETP]