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Responding to a post in Slate's interminable "Movie Club" feature, blogger Steve Sailer takes Slate film critic Dana Stevens to task for wondering why she has difficulty engaging with war movies on an emotional level. Sailer posits the following:

Hmmhmmmh, that's a tough one ... What could it possibly mean? Oh, wait a minute ... I think I've got it: It means: You're a girl. (Also, it's probably particularly related to Ms. Stevens having a baby earlier this year, so the maternal oxytocin hormone is still flowing relatively heavily.)

Seems pretty airtight to us. We especially like how he brings the whole science thing into it. You hear that ladies? Stick with your Merchant-Ivory weepies and leave those war flicks on the shelf. Also, if you're gonna stay in the critic biz, don't have any kids yourself.

Why War Movies Leave Me Cold [Slate]
Occam's Razorette [Steve Sailer]