
Choire · 12/28/07 05:00PM

Slate film critic Dana Stevens is temporarily off my shit list for correctly noting that "The Host" was one of the best 10 movies of 2007—I'd forgotten that! And it so was! Bonus: Remember how great Anthony Lane's review was? (And also Dana is A-OK for giving an honorable mention to the DVD release of "Idiocracy." Temporarily!) [Slate]

Lady Critics Duke It Out Over Nympho Chick Flick

Choire · 03/02/07 09:56AM

Today, the two lady film critics of the internet, Slate's Dana Stevens and Salon's Stephanie Zacharek, get down and dirty in the mud-wrestling pit over Black Snake Moan, the nympho-skank-white-girl gets cured by woodsy-musical-black-man flick. (Which we're so not going to see. Dunno why. Sorta don't care.) What we really don't understand is how Dana—sample Dana Stevens quote: "Chaining someone to your radiator is wrong"—ended up at the fairly manly Slate, instead of over at the insanely Feminism 101 Salon. Can we at least arrange some sort of exchange program? Dana could probably use some time hanging out around Salon's pink water cooler for a few weeks, where all the meetings seem to be a meeting in the ladies' room. Usually with a hand mirror, all Our Bodies, Ourselves stylee.