Despite MILFs and Grannies, Porn Industry Growth Generally Flaccid

The Times just can't seem to stop reminding us that the only thing people like to jerk off to anymore seems to be the work of aged porn stars like De'Bella, pictured (who we'd consider more of a Mom We Wouldn't Like To Fuck Even With Someone Else's Dick, but we digress.) A report in today's Business section confirms what we first learned on Sunday: old lady porn represents "the one area of huge growth" in an otherwise slackening industry. The culprit, as with most things, seems to be the goshdarned internets, but rest assured that DVDs aren't going anywhere anytime soon: in spite of the lack of growth, AVN Media Network Paul Fishbein still estimates the industry's revenues at $13 million billion. An "opponent of the industry" "gave a slightly smaller estimate of the size of the business," but we're sure Fishbein wouldn't exaggerate. And anyway, it's what you do with it.
Indications of a Slowdown in Sex Entertainment Trade [NYT]
The Graying of Naughty [NYT]