Swag for the Subway Superman

Wesley Autrey, who saved another gent by hurling himself to the subway rails and letting a train pass over the both of them, has spent the last week rightly showered with attention, honors, and accolades. To his enormous credit, all the buzz hasn't seemed to dent Autrey's genial, humble demeanor. How can you not love the guy? We'd like to extend him full Gawker commenting privileges, just to do our part! Of course, that's extremely small potatoes in terms of Autrey's swag bag. After the jump, a full list of rewards for the Subway Superman, running the gamut from sincere to maybe just a wee bit opportunistic. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Bronze Medallion, City of New York - "Although relatively small in size (measuring only 2 inches), the City's Bronze Medallion is of great prestige." The award has trended local, as 2005's winner was "Housing Authority employee Felix Vasquez, who caught a baby thrown from a burning building."
One Year of Free Subway Rides - Should cover at least a couple of MTA rate increases.
$10,000 from Donald Trump - After the city medal ceremony, a limo "whisked" Autrey to a meeting with the Donald and the Donald's money.
Two Checks from "Undisclosed Donors" - No word on amounts or sources.
$5,000 Cash and $2,500 Scholarship Fund, New York Film Academy - Cameron Hollopeter, the guy that Autrey saved, is an NYFA student.
TV Appearances - The Late Show last week, Ellen DeGeneres on Tuesday (sharing the bill with Hillary Swank).
One Week All-Expense Paid Disney World Vacation - Might want to stay away from "Mission: Space."
Tour of Playboy Mansion, Lifetime Playboy Subscription, New Playboy Hat - Perhaps an antidote to the week in Disney World. Especially the hat.
Tickets & Backstage Tour at The Lion King - Autrey may be tempted to throw himself on the entire audience as Elton John and Tim Rice's bombastic musical score roars over them.
U.S. Senate Resolution - Hillary Clinton claims she'll be introducing a Senate resolution "recognizing Autrey's 'uncommon valor and tremendous bravery.'"
Hero Sandwich - Bought for Autrey by his boss at the construction site. Get it? Hero? Sandwich?