Conspiracy Theories Grab Bag: Leigh Haber Random Reacharound Edition

We're not sure what to make of the motley assortment of accusations and gripes that have floated into our mailbag regarding Rodale's Leigh Haber, who got the full-service treatment in Page Six this morning. But we do know that we want to share them with you. That's us: unstintingly generous.
Acquired and published tom sykes' memoir, hence the page six blowjob.
re leigh haber—isn't rodale the same company as men's health? this was a favor for Dave Z to pal RJ—she's hardly anything in publishing
All that kissing up she did to Steve Murphy back when he was at Disney has really paid off for her.
all i know is that leigh is a noted starfucker and has always had "friends" at the NYPost. (I think she was Liz Smith's editor). She started out as a publicist for Alice Walker (I'm pretty sure it was Alice Walker—someone big and literary), and Alice loved her so much, she asked for Leigh to be her editor. Leigh parlayed an editorial career out of that, although rumor has it she can't—and doesn't—edit. Has insecurities about it or something.
We're still on the fence about the scandalousness of any of this. (An editor who doesn't edit — imagine!) But in the absence of the old Judith Regan (is she still in Dublin?) we suppose Leigh will have to stand in, like a substitute teacher or something.
Earlier: The Inconvenient Truth About Leigh Haber
[Source: PMC]