At a gathering for 49 Nobel Prize winners in 1962, President Kennedy remarked that "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." All well and good, but this January 29th will see the greatest assemblage of magazine genius ever gathered together in the same room - with the possible exception of when Art Cooper had that fatal meal with Dave Zinczenko. That's right, it's MediaBistro's "Editors on Truth Serum — The New Rules of Success Now," a panel discussion at Chinatown Brasserie, starring such luminaries as Tom Foster (Men's Journal), Brandon Holley (Jane), Stacy Morrison (Redbook), Susie Schulz (CosmoGirl!), Richard Story (Departures), and Jake "Shake 'n Bake" Weisberg (Slate). As 'bistro Boa-in-Chief Laurel Touby puts it,

I decided to do something a little different this month, instead of our usual drinks party. How about a discussion among six top editors.. with a drinks party afterward (ostensibly to discuss what we've learned—or just for the hell of it!)?

How about it indeed? Drop your thirty bucks as quickly as possible: We can't imagine that this won't sell out immediately. Oh, and let us know how it was: We've got an elective colonoscopy that night.

Editors on Truth Serum [Media Bistro]