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Another hour of "Today" just means more Al Roker to love. And, you know, Ann Curry. [WSJ]
Employees at Time Inc. have one more day to steal all the office supplies they can carry home; layoffs are apparently tomorrow.
The Dolans are gonna have to do better than thirty bucks a share if they want to take Cablevision private. [NYP]
If nobody buys Tribune, blame the online ad market. [MediaPost]
Is AMI moving Star back to Boca? Didn't we ask this last week? [NYP]
The Times soft-focus magazines vs. People: which side are you on? And, really, do you care? [WWD]
Janet Street-Porter may not be able to edit a bus ticket, but she's handy with the racism. Allegedly. [Guardian]
The Sacramento Bee will be sending out a daily memo on what stories are garnering the most online eyeballs. The paper claims that these statistics will not affect what and how they choose to cover, but we think the current headline "Britney Vagina Upskirt Paris Hilton Oral Sex Free Viagara" tells a different story. [Romenesko]