Golden Globes Hangover: The Trump-Grazer Walk Of Fame Stalemate

After yesterday's wall-to-wall orgy of Golden Globes coverage, we've been resisting a return to the ceremony, hoping to avoid a flashback of the nightmares we suffered of being suffocated by Ken Davitian's Best Supporting Anus that might be induced by further references to Sacha Baron Cohen's victory speech. But we think that our Globes-free morning has probably liberated us from that hairy, strangling sphincter's grip on our unconscious mind, so we can now share this exchange overheard at the event by The Envelope's Kudos Crasher, in which two of show business's most accomplished egotists narrowly averted engaging in a tie-breaking dick-measuring contest after reaching a stalemate on a brief Walk of Fame placement showdown:
Trump: I'm getting a star tomorrow (on the Hollywood Walk of Fame) Grazer: I've got one. Trump: Oh really? Grazer: Where is yours? (Trump describes.) Grazer: That's a good spot. Trump: That's what they tell me. Grazer: It's great to show your kids.
The encounter ended amicably enough (a discussion of which proud dad is in possession of more children to impress with his hard-earned sidewalk immortality was deemed unnecessary), with Grazer inviting Trump to one of his legendary "brain dump" sessions under the pretense of wanting to learn more about his incredible success in the real-estate game. Trump quickly accepted, unaware that when he arrives at Grazer's compound to further discuss the greatness of his empire, he will be immediately drugged by a lacky, who will then drag him to the in-house laboratory and finally unlock the secrets of the only head of hair in Hollywood more recognizable than the superproducer's own.