Gold Star Motel: Guess Who's Coming To Denver?

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re: From Cold Noodles To Domestic Warfare
KarenUhOh: "If my kid's head was that big I'd never smoke dope again."
Re: New 'Voice' Sex Columnists Make Us Nostalgic For Rachel Kramer Bussel's Cleavage
grandmoffbastard: "For fuck's sake. I do not want to read about monogamous couples having vanilla sex. Or worse, not having sex at all, of any flavor. These are topics that no one needs to experience vicariously. I do not want to read about kids in a sex column, either, unless it's the 17-year-old babysitter from the first few grafs. Most of all, I do not want to hear about how tough it is to get it on when you earn enough to hire a nanny and work at the fucking Voice. Is this not supposed to be an alternative weekly? Erma Bombeck did a perfectly good job of covering this kind of shit in daily papers across the country, and if I want to read about how tough and unsexy it is to raise a family, I will Amazon the books of hers I can't already borrow from my mom.
This is New York City. People move here—and specifically to the Village—because they want to find millions of different people to fuck. Or spank. Or pee on. Jesus, I hate this kind of shit."
Re: Matt Drudge Cannot Hide His Deep Knowledge of African-American Culture
lypocenes: "guess who's coming to denver?"
Re: 'Babble' "Bad Parent" is Actually a Bad Parent
ExTexan: "Baby's First Repressed Memory. Sweet."
Re: Irritating Publishers Lunch Deal Announcement Mad Lib
josh speed: "So should I notify you when my hip, edgy, downtown manuscript, "HER EATING COACH IS GONE," is complete?
Earlier: Drunk Chick Hot