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Sure, semi-spurious libel suits against publishers aren't usually anything to celebrate, but this one is special. Special K, that is. We're delighted to report that Alex Kuczynski has been named as a co-defendant in a lawsuit being brought against her publisher, Doubleday! The plaintiff is a plastic surgeon who claims that Special K. maligned him in Beauty Junkies, her recent non-bestseller. Dr. Arnold W. Klein, who specializes in 'injectables,' is demanding $10 million in damages, claiming that Doubleday knew that the book's claims of his negligence, incompetence, and his conflict of interest with a pharmaceutical company were false. He also — and this is the really sad part — says that the book libels him by reporting that he "lost control of his bladder" when faced with a troubling allegation in another case. His rebuttal? "Klein did not lose control of his bladder for any reason remotely connected to the case or his concern about the supposed 'coup,' referred to above," the complaint states. So why did he pee himself? Rest assured, we're looking into it.

*Yes, we know it's not really pronounced that way, but: whatever.

Plastic Surgeon Demands $10 Million From Doubleday in Libel Case [Courthouse News]