Today's installment of Casual Indie Racism comes courtesy of that old chestnut, the Daily Slope message board (why not start with the best, right?), where a poster laments that his late, great hipster hangout, the Royale, has seemingly become overrun with ... well, you can read for yourself:

A little tip to those long time Park Slope folks who dig having a drink at Royale and listening to progressive, modern rock. Learn from this mistake. I used to go to Royale a lot, it's a very groovy bar, that is, until recently. The place has apparently changed hands and kids, it's not pretty. We went there about two weeks ago and as the evening progressed, sure enough I started to notice a change in the music and then the crowd. And while we all sat in a booth realizing what a mistake we had made, our table became increasingly surrounded by angry, pissed off looking ghetto thugs.

No joke, I think we sat at "their" table. I thought we had confined dumb ass white boys and dumb ass ghetto fucks to 200 Fifth? Think I'm lying? We went across the street to Commonwealth and watched as no less than five police cars pulled up and shut the place down. It's fucking awful, truly awful. And don't get all annoyed at me sounding slightly racist. You know I'm right, where there are ghetto thugs (i.e., young, black men), there is sure to be police activity and I wasn't proved wrong.

Oh yeah, we know you're right, friend. Keep on keepin' on, okay?

Beware the *New* Royale [Daily Slope]

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