A couple of great corrections from the Times this morning. First up, the easy target:

An article on Jan. 29 about Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, who were visiting Manhattan for a publicity tour, referred imprecisely to the royal title for Camilla at one point... The article also referred incorrectly to the necklace she was wearing. It was a triple stand of pearls, not a double strand.

Yeah, insert your own joke here. (Our suggestion: "Once, twice, three times a Duchess.") Then there was this:

An article on Dec. 9 about the problems of a Coast Guard modernization project called Deepwater and its management by the defense contractors Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin incorrectly described a campaign in mid-2005 by the Navy League, a nonprofit group, in support of the project. The organization wrote letters to lawmakers urging them to restore funds for the program; the group says it did not remind them that hundreds of contractors across the country were working as suppliers on the project. The error was pointed out by the Navy League shortly after the article appeared, and again on Jan. 2. This correction was delayed because those responsible initially decided no correction was warranted and were slow to follow up on additional complaints.

The story behind that one is actually worth reading (the Coast Guard is apparently all sorts of effed up), but we love the whole "denial of responsibility" implicit in the statement of delay. You know, given the inevitable corrections we'll see tomorrow, this may be the best section of the Times to read this week.

Corrections [NYT]
Billions Later, Plan to Remake the Coast Guard Fleet Stumbles [NYT]

Related: The New Yorker Will Run Your Correction, Not Its Own [NYO]