So much for that. Michael Crook, legendary net griefer and angry issuer of specious DMCA takedown notices, settled with Jeff Diehl and the Electronic Frontier Foundation regarding Crook's crazymaking over the photo of Crook at left. No details on the settlement, but at least part of it apparently required Crook to send out e-mails rescinding his DMCA complaints. Ours, after the jump.

To Whom it May Concern:

This is in regards to a DMCA complaint that was issued to you as the webmaster, OSP, or administrator, in reference to the following URL(s):
At this time, I would like to withdraw the DMCA complaint, strictly as pertains to the above URL(s), which regard a 2005 appearance on the Fox News Channel.

I request that the content therefore be restored, and the DMCA complaint withdrawn, and would like to at this time apologize for any extra work or problems that this complaint has caused.

I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, and may be reached via telephone at [redacted], or via postal mail at [redacted]. E-mail is [redacted].

Thank you,

Michael Crook