
The flying penis menace moves offline in Russia

Jackson West · 05/19/08 08:00PM

In a stunt reminiscent of something from Second Life, an unknown perpetrator let loose a remote-controlled flying dildo at a speech yesterday by Garry Kasparov, the famed chess champion defeated by IBM's Deep Blue who now heads up Other Russia, an opposition party that seeks to wrest power from the Kremlin government dominated by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. As Andy Baio at Waxy points out, it's unclear if the pranksters knew about the infamous interview between Second Life baron Anshe Chung and CNET reporter Daniel Terdiman, video from which is embedded after the jump.

Michael Crook's image runs free

Chris Mohney · 02/12/07 03:00PM

So much for that. Michael Crook, legendary net griefer and angry issuer of specious DMCA takedown notices, settled with Jeff Diehl and the Electronic Frontier Foundation regarding Crook's crazymaking over the photo of Crook at left. No details on the settlement, but at least part of it apparently required Crook to send out e-mails rescinding his DMCA complaints. Ours, after the jump.

Internet's Most Wanted: A Rogue's Gallery

Nick Douglas · 01/25/07 08:03AM

NICK DOUGLAS — You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than the bowels of the Internet, where you could be swallowed by the Spam King to be digested over a thousand years or trapped in a battle with a patent troll. Here are the Internet's monsters on display, ending with the ultimate slimeball who disgusts everyone from Boing Boing to Craigslisters to Fox News.