Who's The Park Slope Novelist Hiring On Craigslist?

It can be so hard to find a "female" who's "textable 24/7," especially one who's had "previous experience being a personal assistant in a creative field!" That's why we're sharing this Craigslist ad with you, in the hopes that you might know someone who's perfect for it — if you do, maybe we will get a finder's fee! Oh, and... guesses? Full ad is after the jump.
PREREQUISITE You MUST have experience in being a personal assistant to a writer, filmmaker, artist or similar person in a creative field.
Purchasing on Amazon
Data Entry
Answering Email
Handling Myspace Friend Requests / Bulletins
Simple Image Manipulation
SOME Errands (you will not be a coffee-fetcher)REQUIREMENTS
Reachable by txt with fast reponse
Attention to detail
Ability to take notes quickly
HTML experience
SQL experience
Data entry experience
Microsoft Access experienceHOURS
10/week to start over 2-3 days, if productive, then moreEMAIL YOUR RESUME SHOWING PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE AS DESCRIBED ABOVE
This job is not easily classified on craigslist. If you come across it and you know someone who might be able to do it well, forward this to them and you will receive a finder's fee.
Update: Well, yes, it's illegal for employers to discriminate based on gender.
Wanted: Experienced Personal Assistant For Novelist [Craigslist]