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Today's NY Times updates us on the progress of the ongoing legal feud between producer Bob Yari, the Crash producer suing the Academy for denying him the opportunity to take the stage after the film's Best Picture win last year and bask in his share of the heavy-handed racism fable's Oscar glory by emotionally declaring, "Tonight, I won't need to drive my SUV into the side of a van full of illegal Chinese immigrants just to feel something," and the whole fucking system trying to keep renegade, studio-eschewing producers like him down, sharing with the world excerpts from an e-mail exchange between Yari's camp and a defiant Bruce Davis, executive director of AMPAS, who says that Yari can pry his next Governors Ball invite from his cold, dead hands:

"Mr. Yari's legal representatives have indicated his intention to continue pressing his cause at a higher level," he wrote, referring to the case as a "petulant, nonsensical lawsuit." "So we assume that we can look forward to spending many additional thousands of dollars pointlessly a year or so down the road."

As a matter of course, Hollywood generally sublimates conflict beneath a patina of glitter and avoidance, but Mr. Davis sent a message in breathtakingly direct fashion. "We are not in any sense a vindictive organization," his note continues, "but neither are we schmucks: please let Mr. Yari know that for the next half-dozen years or so, unless he personally is a nominee, his Oscar night plans should not include the Governors Ball."

To make sure that his warning is heeded by those who might think to challenge the Academy's credit decisions with future petulant and nonsensical legal actions, Davis will renew his threats at this year's Governors Ball gala, briefly interrupting the festivities to announce over the public address system, "Good evening, Friends of Oscar! Are you enjoying our delicious food? Take a minute to savor what you're chewing. If you ever—EVER—try to make us look like schmucks, that will be the last fucking mouthful of our free sushi you ever taste. Enjoy the rest of your evening!"