Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jake Gyllenhaal Overwhelmed By Pinkberry Topping Selection

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in—the world is waiting. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Paula Abdul browsing the self-med section at Book Soup:
In today's episode: Jake Gyllenhaal; Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard; Christina Ricci; Selma Blair, Allison Janney, Kristin Minter; Billy Zane; Paula Abdul; Snoop Dogg; Christian Slater; Jimmy Fallon; Seth MacFarlane; Tyson Beckford; Eric Dane, Matthew Rhys and Dave Annable; Cisco Adler and Justin Chambers; Mike Tyson and Russell Simmons; Ashlee Simpson, Pete Wentz and Danny Masterson; Rachel Bilson; Mr. T; Kevin Connelly; Avril Lavigne and Deryck Whibley; Scott Weiland; Jena Malone; David Denman; Mark-Paul Gosselaar; Greg Grunberg; Sally Struthers; Drew Brees; Wallace Langham; Ruth Williamson and Nic Harcourt.
· thursday night, feb 8: Jake Gyllenhaal @ the pinkberry on melrose. was with the standard blonde hottie that seem to inhabit the place.
· 2/11 - Saw Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard with new baby Ramona in tow at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. They were every bit the cool, calm, collected hipster couple you'd expect them to be. They blended in with the crowd - but oooozzzed an air of coolness that permeated over the Rose Bowl. Love them.
2/12 - Billy Zane at Sweet Lady Jane with a women. They rolled up in a Merecedes-Benz rented from Enterprise. Billy looked a little on the skinny side - maybe he wanted to bulk up with some delicious baked goods.
· An absolutely smashing Christina Ricci in full formal red-carpet garb in the lobby of the Century Plaza Hotel about 2p Sunday (before presenting at the Grammys).
Celeb sightings at the WGA Awards at same location: Selma Blair (blond dye job ages her), Allison Janney (tall, striking) and Kristin Minter, who was desk clerk Randi on ER for a while (looks like a cross between Rena Sofer + Debi Mazar).
· 2/7 Saw Paula Abdul, wearing a white blouse, jeans and cute brown boots, and ex, Dante Spencer at Book Soup. Who knew she could read, guess its true you can't judge a book by its cover. She was holding a hard back— Suite Franc...(couldn't see the rest) he was still browsing. That boy has hotness written all over him. Date or casual meeting, I don't know but let's give a hand clap for geek love.
· Century City Twin Towers- Stood behind Snoop Dogg + 2 homies on the escalator on the way down to the sub-parking lots. Might be meeting with lawyers (re: pot bust at Burbank Airport) in my building, or agents in the new CAA building
· 2/10- I saw Christian Slater on Sunday afternoon with a couple kids (guess they were his) outside the Brent-Air pharmacy. Looked like a normal guy out with his kids on a Sunday afternoon...that is if your family normally travels in a town car with a driver standing at attention outside the car waiting.
· Friday Feb 9. Saw Jimmy Fallon walking down Wilshire at Beverly Dr around 11. Possibly coming out from a meeting at Imagine or maybe The Firm? Either way he looked very rumpled and like he hadn't showered for the (or any) occasion in quite a while.
· Two random sightings in same vicinity:
2-10, around 6 p.m. Glass-ceiling shattering black male supermodel Tyson Beckford, hanging out on the sidewalk outside what seemed to be his friends' little clothing store on Melrose and Martel. Looking as hot as ever, he joked with some kid with a basketball walking by that he wanted to take him on.
2-11, around 11-midnite: Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, flanked for most of the night by two hot-tish chicks, sitting in the corner of The Village Idiot. Or as Peter Griffin would say: "In fact, this reminds of the time the guy who does my voice had two hot chicks on either side of him at The Village Idiot..."
· Caught Ringside at the Roxy last night (2/8) and since Balthazar Getty is in the band, a few celeb sightings are usually in order. Last night didn't disappoint as Balt's "Feast" co-star Eric Dane (aka McSteamy) and "Brothers & Sisters" co-stars Matthew Rhys and Dave Annable were all in attendance. All seemed to be incredibly laid back and although Matthew and Dave didn't get much attention, Eric graciously posed for pictures with many an adoring fangirl. Did I mention the tight white t-shirt? Good tunes, hot boys - not too shabby for a Thursday night.
· Sunday 2/11...leaving a 4.30 showing of Norbit at the arclight. Mike Tyson and Russell Simmons....I guess wonderland rehab centre lets you out to watch movies. I dared someone to shout 'rapist' and then run....but his face tattoo scared me. Russell seems to have traded up from Kimora Lee.
· Last night at Teddy's......... Ashlee Simpson clad in a midnight blue strapless dress fawning all over a scruffy band dude who friends kindy imformed me was Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy (what? I don't listen to so-called indie rock targeted at teen girls)...Leonardo diCaprio looking low key amongst the crowd in his patented baseball cap... Danny Masterson (sans Bijou) sporting a seriously thick beard and a plaid shirt he probably swiped from THAT 70's SHOW wardrobe holding court for his buddies at a prime table.
· At the Roxy on Thursday, Feb 8th a few celebs gathered to watch Ringside and some crazy Russian band, both of whom were pretty entertaining. Hanging out in the VIP section, my friends and I spotted Cisco Adler of extreme hangy ball fame on one side of room and Pete Wentz of internet peen fame on the other side. Wentz was briefly accompanied by a permanently petrified looking Ashlee Simpson. I'm only 5 feet tall but both Pete and Ashlee looked pretty small to me while Cisco just looked like he had a bad case of the 1970's. One of the actors from Grey's Anatomy was there too, but we didn't notice him until a gaggle of girls came up and fawned all over him. A friend of mine whispered 'Isn't he the plastic surgeon who works with McSteamy?" (Justin Chambers) which definitely sounds way dirtier than it should.
· Approx. 7 pm Check Out line Gelsons on Hyperion in Silverlake
Rachel Bilson of O.C. Fame in the very next check out lane. My sharp eyed girlfriend spotted her. She was buying groceries including a dozen eggs. She was tiny and cute with a canary colored coat on. She seemed friendly to the check out people. No one seemed to recognize her. She pushed a cart out with her groceries to her car. This has been my best celeb sighting in quite a while. It sure did make my night.
Also T.J.'s Silverlake right before the Rachel Bilson sighting I was at Trader Joes across the street from Gelsons. ( I had to go to both Trader Joes and then Gelsons due to a lack of tarter sauce at Trader Joes. They don't carry it any more?!) In any case I am pretty sure I was behind Mr. T in line or maybe it was just some random black guy. I am not really sure.
· Yawn - Kevin Connelly at Equinox We-Ho this past Saturday, approx 5pm. Walking up the stairs with a group of guys looking EXACTLY like I'd imagined him to look in person. Kinda short and delicate, unassuming but with a slight cockiness validating Eric in full.
· Saw AVRIL LAVIGNE at YQUE! in Los Feliz. She was with her husband (Deryck Whibley) and some other losers. She bought Nag Champa and paid for a it with her black AMEX card. Then she got a little annoyed when the sales guy asked for her ID...
· 1pm - Hugo's, Sherman Oaks. Scott "yes I'm a rock star" Weiland exiting. He looked drunk.
· Just saw Jena Malone at the Beverly Center. We were waiting for the elevator on the 2nd parking level with a ton of people. Jena was getting frustrated with her guy friend for not catching the right elevator. We finally got on one and i had the fortune of being packed in right next to her. She's really friendly and we chatted about how claustrophobic we felt. Shes super thin but quite striking.
· Last night (2/11) my theatre-going companion and I sat next to David Denman (Roy on The Office) and a friend, taking in the play "Dogeaters". He seemed very serious and earnest, and I gave him kudos for the multi-culturalist entertainment choice. He also looked nowhere near as hulking as he seems on the show...but then, we all know about that "TV adds 10 pounds of hulkingness" cliche.
· Saw Mark-Paul Gosselaar at Lucky Baldwin's 7th Annual Belgian Beer Festival on Saturday night in Pasadena. My girlfriend pointed him out, and he blended right in with a group of dudes which I presume was his entourage. I would've preferred Kelly Kapowski. Good to see he's at least got good taste in beer.
· Greg Grunberg from Heroes (the thought-reading cop) was at Pottery Barn at the Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills (of all places) with his family on Sunday afternoon. He's thinner in person, too, I might add.
· I was at Pulp (hipster card store) on La Brea on Saturday afternoon looking for a cute birthday card and I noticed a short, obese older woman browsing nearby. Didn't register until she opened her mouth to complain about the price of the Valentine's Day cards ("Don't you have anything less expensive?") and the high pitched squeal made me realize right away that I was standing near none other than the esteemed Sally Struthers. Confirmed when one of the salespeople called her "Sally." She got the star treatment there, which is a little mind-boggling but, I suppose, reassuring in the sense that Sally Struthers will always be taken care of. She seemed exuberant and nice (other than the bitching about the cost of greeting cards, but hell, they're expensive) but also in dire need of makeup and a flattering hair style. Anyway, for the cost of one of those greeting cards, you can feed a starving orphan in Africa.
· Mon. 2/12, 9:25 pm I saw Nawlins' 'Aints QB Drew Brees at United terminal in LAX, fresh back from the Pro Bowl in shorts, flip flops, standard-issue QB visor, and his arm in a sling. Poor guy!
· "Larry Sanders'" former assistant, Wallace Langham, leaving the Home Depot in Hollywood @ 10PM Thursday, 2/8. Carrying what appeared to be a few lightweight bags, but looked like he was getting some help from a couple of clerks. He needs help with that?
· Friday, 2/9, 3pm. Hollywood. As I turned right from Wilcox on to DeLongpre, I spotted a tiny silver sports coupe (I think it was a Mercedes) waiting to turn left from DeLongpre on to Wilcox. Inside it was the unmistakable presence of Mrs. Grubman (Ruth Williamson) from Nip/Tuck. I so wanted to scream something out the window at her about a cautery tip or Christian Troy, but my brain misfired before I could do it. She looks exactly like she did on the show.
· Saw Nic Harcourt from KCRW at Starbucks today at Bundy and Santa Monica. Trailing along were his 2 kids and a double D blondie wearing a "meet me at MySpace" T-shirt and complaining about how sweaty she was from keeping up with the kids. Uh, maybe someone a little more age-appropriate and kid-friendly next time, Nic? Love the KCRW but prefer the "New Ground" show to Morning Eclectic anyway!