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We totally didn't learn our lesson last time we stepped in a pile of Craigslist assistant-hunting mess, so we're bringing you another installment of help-wanted guessing game. After the jump, an ad from a "columnist and television commentator" who wants you to spend some "flexible hours" running his or her life from a "large and cheerful Manhattan apartment." Maybe we'll apply!

Columnist and television commentator seeks personal assistant to coordinate professional and household matters. In other words, you run my life from appointments to accounts to research issues to travel arrangements. Relaxed environment (I work at home—a large and cheerful Manhattan apartment), flexible hours, unbossy boss. Some experience as a personal assistant, or in creative endeavors, or in office administration would be a plus, along with relative ease around a computer. But personality, willingness to help out, and general sense of organization count for more. Send a resume or description of your relevant experience and we'll talk.

Run our lives and help us with research issues by telling us who you think this unbossy boss could be.

Pundit Seeks Personal Assistant [Craigslist]

Earlier: Who's The Park Slope Novelist Hiring On Craigslist?

[Image via Getty]