Yuppy Brooklyn To Welcome Plucky New Neighbors

As much as people in Brooklyn like to complain about their neighbors—loud noises, kids, dog poop, the fact that other people exist—we can't wait to see the brouhahas that will undoubtedly ensue when people start raising chickens in their backyards because it's some sort of hip, vaguely ironic gesture:
We're thinking about getting a few chickens for our backyard in CH. No, seriously. Fresh eggs are amazing, chickens are easy, and—as long as they're female—not loud or problematic. Also, it's legal. Are we crazy? We'll sell 'em to you cheaper than the Co-op...
That cute family raising chickens in Red Hook notwithstanding, we foresee delicious brawls between neighbors, and more than one case of chicken-napping. This is just like when the poor people kept chickens, only different!