"Dash Snow's Coke" On eBay New Frontier In Digital Art

Seriously, who wants to bid on Britney Spears' nasty hair? Bid on a quite probably imaginary bag of "downtown" artist/heir Dash Snow's coke instead! If that isn't enough enticement, let's look at the pitch:
Hi my name is brianelectro. My boys and I broke into dash snow's apartment and stole all his coke. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to own dash snow's coke. And it's a lot of fucking coke!! think of the fun, think of the glamour!! With dash snow's coke you can be a pretentious rich faggot poseur who masquerades as a poor, wild hipster artist!! Be the envy of all your friends
We think that perhaps the man most famous for his 'cumming on Post headlines' work has been out-arted.
Dash Snow's Coke [Ebay]
Earlier: Warhol's Children Bite Back