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Voting for the Vlog Hot video blogger hotness poll continues through this weekend; polls will close at noon Eastern time on Sunday, March 4. Semifinals will launch the following Monday. Many thousands of votes have already tallied, but note that even wide margins should be no deterrent, as everyone can vote once per day in all contests (just delete cookies from your browser, or specifically, delete cookies from, to vote anew daily). So energize your base and get out the vote. Several surprises in the making — popular kids Amanda Congdon and Ze Frank are getting trounced, for example. After the jump, a complete index of all open races and contestants, with the current favorite (as of this writing) highlighted in bold for each heat.

Newsbabes Heat 1 - Katrin Bauerfeind, Amanda Congdon, Zadi Diaz, Mary Katharine Ham, Lauren Love, Shauna.

Nerdboys Heat 1 - Randall Bennett, Josh Flanagan, Conor Kilpatrick, Heywood Jablome, Ron Richards.

Newsbabes Heat 2 - Lindsay Campbell, Joanne Colan, Liza de Guia, Leah Culver, Amber MacArthur.

Nerdboys Heat 2 - Alex Albrecht, Loren Feldman, Steve Garfield, Jonathan London, Kevin Rose, Gary Ruplinger.

Techbabes Heat 1 - Natali Del Conte, Iria Gallardo, Erin McNamara, Kristin Reilly, Irina Slutsky, Karina Stenquist.

Newsboys Heat 1 - Pedro Andrade, Alex Blagg, David Hauslaib, Drew Olanoff, George Oliphant.

Techbabes Heat 2 - Veronica Belmont, Cali Lewis, Caroline McCarthy, Molly Wood, Yue Xu.

Newsboys Heat 2 - Rich DeMuro, Rudy Jahchan, Daniel McVicar, Chad Ruble.

Glamazons Heat 1 - Violet Blue, Gala Darling, Adriana Gascoigne, Casey McKinnon, Sara Schaefer.

Wildcard Boys Heat 1 - Peter Bragiel, James Comans, Cyrlille de Lasteyrie, Ze Frank, Kary Rogers, Josh Shipp.

Glamazons Heat 2 - Brigitte Dale, Sara Gore, Micki Krimmel, Cecile Raubenheimer, Maria Sansone.

Wildcard Boys Heat 2 - Nick Douglas, Juan Falla, John Herman, Eric Rey, Bill Streeter.

Wildcard Babes Heat 1 - Brookers, Christine, Ximena Falla, Randi Jayne, Jenny Lee, Sarah Meyers.

Wildcard Boys Heat 3 - Greg Rose, Gabe Mac, Rick Rey, Chris Ritke, Gary Vaynerchuk.

Wildcard Babes Heat 2 - Jacqulyn Joy, Mary Matthews, Aida Mollenkamp, Uta Ritke, Eva Sollberger.

Wildcard Boys Heat 4 - Kevin Nalts, Chuck Olsen, Schlomo Rabinowitz, Christopher Witecki, Peter Zottolo.