Gold Star Motel: Tastes Like Obligation

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re: The Bruni Chodorow Feud Smolders:
•Sid Hudgens:
"You know what is also "an utterly honest assesment?" The fact that Frank Bruni doesn't take the Times at home, so he had to go across the street to Starbucks to buy a copy of his own paper, New Yorker writer in tow."
Re:Breaking: Explosion In Front Of Conde Nast Building:
• I Bent My Wookie:
"well, that disproves my theory that if "manhole" is said three times in a row, Momo will appear."
• momo:
"hello? how'd I get here?"
Re:The Internets Try To Describe Their Lady-Tastes:
• sheistolerable:
"@TedSez: As opposed to your dick, which tastes like RAW UNBRIDLED DESIRE, right?"