Short Ends: The Oscar Curse

· Premiere offers a gallery of "The 20 Worst Post-Oscar Career Choices." Study this carefully, young Jennifer, lest you go the way of the Fricker.
·, the Keith Olbermann-bashing blog, has shuttered its windows, realizing they were just helping raise the Countdown host's profile. Perhaps it's time for them to escalate the battle to Phase 2: Distributing this picture of him to everyone in their address book.
· Yay! Thanks, French Ambassador Gerard Errera!
· Chris Rock would like everyone to know that everything on the home front is hunky dory, thank you very much. Always a bad sign.
· Homophobic dirtbag radio host Michael Savage (whose family owns Rockstar energy drink, FYI; adjust your caffeinated-battery-acid consumption habits accordingly) won't be seen around the CAA Death Star after all, as the recent signee to the agency is dumped after word got around about his "I don't like a woman married to a woman. It makes me want to puke" comments re: Melissa Etheridge.
· Famous person sires two babies! Simultaneously! It's a holy sign!