
I Used to Hate White People

Sadot White · 07/06/15 12:30PM

I used to hate white people. Not in a deranged John Muhammad way, but like an old black guy who remembers getting rocks thrown at him for trying to vote. More of a simmering resentment than a homicidal loathing.

Chris Rock's Bad Gay Joke

Rich Juzwiak · 12/11/14 11:38AM

Chris Rock's Top Five doesn't have any real villains, per se, but in it is one truly awful character. The film has been very well reviewed, so perhaps this depiction is hitting me harder than most people. I do think, though, it is worth examining.

Why Chris Rock Was Right About Gun Control

Max Read · 09/19/13 11:06AM

The U.S. is recovering from yet another mass shooting, and the debate over gun control seems no closer to a satisfying resolution. But what if a stand-up comic already figured it out?

Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle Performed Together Last Night, Discussed Going on Tour

Taylor Berman · 02/27/13 07:50PM

Last night, at around midnight, Dave Chappelle made a surprise appearance at the Comedy Cellar, the legendary nightclub featured during the credits to Louie. Considering Chappelle's relatively reclusive history, this would've been exciting for comedy nerds, if not exactly newsworthy. However, after Chappelle performed solo for 45 minutes or so, and was preparing to leave, Chris Rock jumped on stage.

Kim Kardashian's Wedding Cake Was a Six-Foot-Tall Butt Plug

Maureen O'Connor · 08/22/11 10:24AM

Cops bust Kim Kardashian's wedding, but let them eat butt plug cake. Jerry Seinfeld disses child fans. Kimberly Stewart births Benicio del Toro's baby. Chris Rock is a "divo." Monday gossip is black and white and read all over.

Chris Rock on His Beloved Mets: "They Got No Money!"

Whitney Jefferson · 04/01/11 09:10AM

Yesterday was baseball's opening day, and Chris Rock admitted to being a tried and true Mets fan. However, he couldn't help but make fun of the fact that his team is broke.

Chris Rock on the Cost of Gas

Emily A. Farris · 07/23/10 08:00PM

Chris Rock jokes that with the insane gas prices as of late, people will begin to (or already have) exchange sexual favors for gas.