Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Clive Owen Enjoys Artisanal, Brick Oven Pizzas As Much As The Next Guy

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in like you mean it. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw the star of your favorite new bra commercial reading someone the riot act, quite possibly over her appearance in that very ad!
In today's episode: Clive Owen and John Cho; Joaquin Phoenix; Kiefer Sutherland; Queen Latifah; Ryan Reynold and Richard Kind; Frankie Muniz; Jennifer Love Hewitt; Masi Oka; Mike Tyson; Laura Dern; Blake Lewis, Chris Sligh, Jared Cotter, Paul Kim and Lakisha Jones; Dennis Rodman and Stephen Baldwin.
· Got a double-sighting on Tuesday (2/27) at Mozza Pizza. The first one was a Kumar-less John Cho settling for a seat-at-the-bar with a rather attractive, similarly Asian, similarly fashionably dressed young woman. IMDb says he's currently filming Harold + Kumar 2, so his short hair on the sides, long up top seems to reflect that. The big, cool sighting - however - was Clive Owen, coming in to meet a rather scruffy-looking-yet-somewhat-well-dressed bearded fellow. Owen was casually dressed and wore a futuristic, silver-faced watch that looked like more expensive than my car. 12 months ago, I would've been "meh," but after the one-two punch of "Inside Man" and the criminally underseen "Children of Men," I'm back on the Clive Owen fan-bus.
· I saw joaquin phoenix not too long ago at a L.A bar flirting with some girl who said her name was Hunter apparently. Being I am obsessed with that man I watched his every move. He asked her for a cig from her and was flirting with her ..and she seemed pretty clueless to the fact he was flirting with her either that or she wasn't into him. She looked young with brown hair and she as so pale it shocked me! He looked cute sporting very casual dark sweatshirt and baseball hat. Not the typical outfit you'd assume a man with money would be wearing. He shook her hand gave her a kiss on the cheek and then she left. I am guessing he didn't score with her like he hoped, celebrites clearly can't win every time.
· Kiefer Sutherland at 4100 on Saturday night (2/24). He was with a female companion, though in all honesty I didn't pay any attention to her, so I don't know if she was a friend or date. Anyway, I was on my way out with my own date and he was standing outside talking to the doorman. Fascinating stuff, I know.
· Today (2/27) spotted The Queen (no, not the doable one), Queen Latifah (the cosmetics endorsing one), lunching solo at Real Food Daily on La Cienega. No sooner than she was seated, she quickly became engrossed in coloring the children's menu. Sweet, really.
· During my power business lunch today (2-28) with the Hollywood elite at Marinos in Larchmont, I saw Ryan Reynolds pass by all disheveled with a hot chick. Then after leaving lunch without a deal, I see everybody's favorite sitcom guest star Richard Kind. He probably got a deal.
· Monday 2/26—-I know that everyone knows that Frankie Muniz is Mr. LA Clippers, but he hasn't been at very many games this year...and now that he shows back up, he's rocking a MOHAWK? Is that what former child stars current race car drivers do for cool? Also sort of with him was Seth Green and a cute girl, but when Frankie went to his seat, that was over. No, Seth didn't have a seat and he and the cute girl watched the game standing in the hallway at Staples. Looked like they were having fun though, and that's what matters.
· This morning, March 1st, 8:15am stopped by Robecks on Riverside in Toluca Lake for my morning smoothie. When I came back out to my car, I spied everyone's favorite ghost whisperer Ms. Jennifer Love Hewitt standing beside her green mini cooper engaged in an argument on her cell phone. Even though she was visibly upset and sans make-up, she was still incredibly cute.
· Our studio manager saw Masi Oka at Ivy at the Shore in Santa Monica today (Friday Feb 23)
· Rather surreal sighting. Was on a stationary bike at the Sunset Crunch Fitness Thursday (3/1) faking my way through a sweat when a large, shaved-headed man started setting up the bike in front of me. When he turned, the unmistakable tribal tattoo across half his face made me realize Mike Tyson must now be a Crunch member. After he sat down into the bike and started happily spinning the wheels, ears plugged into a blue Discman, this point was reiterated as a trainer bounded over, told him "if he'd known" the former Iron Mike/current Heidi Fleiss man-whore was coming in, he would've pushed his other "sessions." The trainer went on to say not only that he himself wanted to box, but also that he had a bunch of pictures he'd been meaning to give Tyson. I waited for the guy to go ahead and blow him, but it never happened. The wackiest bit? Moments before Tyson arrived, ESPN - on one of the overhead televisions - had previewed an upcoming spot on Evander Holyfield's latest "comeback." As Tyson's eyes were glued to that set, I'm sure - moments later - he was to come face-to-face with a "career highlights" montage featuring himself famously biting into Holyfield's ear. Sadly, my girlfriend had finished her class upstairs and I had to leave before witnessing that.
· Just ran into Laura Dern with Ben Harper and cutest baby ever (take that Shiloh), coming out of the Broadway Deli at the 3rd St. Promenade. They were super cute and baby-talking to the baby (not each other, thank god) and all dressed warmly for this god-awful cold weather.
· Thursday (3/1) night around 9 pm, five American Idol contestants - Blake Lewis, Chris Sligh, Jared Cotter, Paul Kim, and Lakisha Jones - were walking in a big huddle up La Cienega to Third, probably on a desperate search for H&M. I couldn't tell if they didn't yet realize that walking around in a large group makes them easier to spot, or they wanted the attention, but there was not a single camera around in a fourteen-block radius. I guess I'm the only one who cared....
· I thought someone would have sent this in, but I guess there aren't many Defamer fans at the car wash on Santa Monica across from the Pacific Design Center...spotted Dennis Rodman on Saturday (2/24). He's freakishly tall and really freaky looking (no suprise). And he had a super annoying posse who laughed as he hammed it up walking through the parking lot area.
· Here's a STEPHEN BALDWIN sighting:
23 Feb 07 Jet Blue Flight 350 departing Burbank to JFK at 6:30 a.m.
Loading from the back of the plane, I was unloading my book, blanket and CD player when I looked up and saw STEPHEN BALDWIN grinning under his baseball cap as I blocked his way.
My first reaction: Oh shit, this is the fundie Christian Baldwin, damn, am I on the Left Behind flight, where the righteous folk start disappearing because the Rapture is upon us? Hope the pilots are sinners since I don't really care about anybody else once in the air, so when the POOF-POOF of disappearing Christians start, I can still make it to NYC to see Mom.
That's it, I nodded my head in recognition and he returned the greeting and I spent the rest of the flight listening to gospel just in case.