Bono And Graydon Carter: 'Tout Of Africa'

"I'm just saying, it seems like a lot of money for mac-and-cheese."
Wow, the plight of Africa must really be important: Graydon Carter, who rarely produces theme issues or hobnobs with celebrities, has turned over editing duties for the July issue of Vanity Fair (although, let's be honest, it's not like he does a ton of editing in the first place) to Bono, an Irish musician who is on something of a mission to reduce poverty on that continent. David Carr profiles the odd couple in today's Times, and there are shocks a-plenty.
Bono can be somewhat humorless about using his celebrity to promote a cause, while Carter sees an opportunity to engage in all sorts of cover gimmickry. Bono, a co-owner of Forbes magazine, (but don't ask him about it, he gets kind of testy) has edited before, and he plans to wield a sharp scythe on the issue's stories. Carr provides one of the more helpful explanations we've experienced recently:
"I want this issue to be a best-selling issue of Vanity Fair, I want to make a hit record. These are the best writers in America, but I am a devotee of the 45," he said, referring to the predigital single that required economy and precision.
So that's what a 45 was! Thus concludes your dispatch from the country of old men.
Citizen Bono Brings Africa to Idle Rich [NYT]
Earlier: Bono Writes and Edits Newspaper: Can't Be Any Worse Than "Million Dollar Hotel"
'Forbes', The Pensions Stripped Bare, What Does Bono Care?
[Image: Annie Leibovitz]