• Wal-Mart is really, really sorry that they taped a Times reporter's calls. They don't want you to think they're Hewlett-Packard or anything. [NYT]
  • Do not even suggest that Brian Williams' trip to Iraq had anything to do with ratings. NBC is a professional news organization, damn it! Also, they're sorta sensitive. [Philadelphia Inquirer]
  • Ron Burkle made a $200 million dollar profit on the sale of some supermarkets. Radar may last forever! (Hahaha, we're just kidding, it's three and out.) [NYP]
  • Boston Globe sportswriter hit with plagiarism charge. How hard could sportswriting possibly be that you'd need to copy someone else's clich s and bad metaphors? [E&P]
  • Radio broadcasters, big record labels, will never be bad again. [NYT]
  • Times chief art critic will be just fine covering art from Europe for the next year. It's not like there's much to see in this country anyway. [Modern Art Notes]
  • USA Today unveils redesigned website. [AdAge]
  • Branson to Murdoch: I will sue your ass. [Independent]
  • Esquire's David Granger: User-generated content is a big load. [Greg Verdino]
  • Once upon a time, both black people and Asians thrived at the Voice. [Journal-isms , second item]
  • This article will only be of interest to British politics junkies, but it does represent an important blow for press freedom across the pond. [Guardian]
  • Mediabistro EIC departs, reminding people that Mediabistro had an EIC. [mediabistro]
  • [Image via]