• Bear Stearns has a bone to pick with the Times Gretchen Morgenson, as do most people with a background in finance who read her columns. [NYP]
  • Louise T. McBain's LTB Media somehow makes the Village Voice look like the picture of stability. [WWD]
  • Huggy, kissy Canadian suffragette Rachel Sklar stands up for sisterhood, which apparently means the right to not have unflattering pictures of yourself posted on the web. Thank you, Betty Friedan! [ETP]
  • Jack Shafer's pissed at the Times again, this time over that "rich people sleep alone" piece. The photocaption is priceless. [Slate]
  • Should two of Britain's dumbest papers merge? [Guardian]
  • Ann Shoket's three organizing principles for Seventeen: fun, confidence and interactivity. We're thinking "Get Your Best Butt" falls under the "confidence" rubric. [WWD]
  • The Post never misses a chance to mock Mort Zuckerman, which is kind of understandable. [NYP]