• Among the guests at Tina Brown and Harry Evans' duplex last night: Fergie, Duchess of York, who told Helen Mirren how accurately she portrayed Elizabeth II for the millionth time, and Diane Von Furstenberg, who also loved the movie, and left it with a new pet name: "'What do you call me now in bed?' she asked [her husband Barry Diller]. 'Like in the movie?' She thought for a minute: 'Cabbage!'" [FoxNews]
  • Angelina Jolie has officially adopted a Vietnamese 3 year old. [Us Weekly]
  • Still going strong: Drike Bonze. [Us Weekly]
  • Former Jersey gov and current homo Jim McGreevey joined his fellow Gay Americans at Larry Kramer's speech at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center on Tuesday. Said a fellow attendee, "No one knew [McGreevey] was there until he got up and asked a question. It was something completely useless and stupid, but I must say he's a fine-looking gentleman." [R&M]