• The Post has never heard of Whitewater. [NYP]
  • Rodale, Hachette get into the video game. [AdAge]
  • What's going to happen if Tribune rejects Sam Zell's offer? A lengthy continuation of this fucking story, no doubt. [NYT]
  • Sumner Redstone hates YouTube. Or does he? [LAT]
  • Les Moonves: always wanting more. [NYP]
  • Newsweek's main competition isn't Time, it's everyone online. It's also Death, who is slowly but surely culling everyone who still reads Newsweek. [Marketwatch]
  • Jeffrey M. Johnson, the former Los Angeles Times publisher who went native and got canned, has joined Ron Burkle's investment firm, which may or may not (but probably does!) have some money in Radar. [LAT]
  • One more reason not to go to Cobb salad hellhole Michael's: Michael Wolff is returning to the restaurant despite an earlier promise never to so do. Wow, and the guy is usually so good about keeping his word. [NYP]
  • Producer Brian Grazer gets a gig with the LAT; Nikki Finke, shockingly, is not amused. [DHD]
  • The good news for Louise T. MacBain is that Portfolio's not going to run a hit piece on her. Yet. Repeating, that's the good news. [NYP]
  • Chuck Klosterman finally encounters someone more irritating than he is. [Independent]