Gold Star Motel: A Cloak Of Eternal Youth

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re:Jonathan Safran Foer and Nicole Krauss Need Their Space
• whatever:
"If my parents were Safran Foer and Krauss I would want to keep as far away from them as possible. Fuck my own floor, I'd want my own separate house."
Re: This Week In Gawker Commenter Executions
• JupiterPluvius:
"Lynn Yeager is the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven of our day. To criticize her look for not being pretty is like criticizing the Venus de Milo for not being a good hatrack. I am 100% serious about this. It takes ovaries of titanium to approach your self-presentation as an artwork rather than a beauty pageant."
Re:Dave Eggers Desperate To Welsh On Bad Bet
• ellagood:
"i can't read that shit. everything looks like a dispatch from the fucking boston tea party."
Re:Thrillist Endorses Most Douchey Product Ever
• TedSez:
"They come in four styles: Sanskrit Sayings You Don't Understand, Illustrations That Meant a Lot to a Seattle Rock Drummer in 1997, Bennington Philosophy 201 Cheat Sheet, and Guide to Busting Your Brother Out of Prison."
Re:Irish People Demand Right To Drink Anywhere:
• KarenUhOh:
"Throw Up In My Mouth A Little, I'm Irish."
Re: Samantha V. Chang Is 30, Wise:
• zkemeny:
"I imagine I seem strange and worlds away but also familiar. We might both be wearing chipped black nail polish; it's one last fashion I find irresistible. the poor teenage girl is probably just wondering 'why the hell is that creepy old mom staring at me with that look of needy desperation? And whats with the black nail polish? Is she planning to skin me and wear me as a cloak of eternal youth??'"