You might think that a person who's made a living as a comedienne might have a sense of humor about making an unauthorized cameo as a part-time janitor in an adult bookstore on a popular primetime cartoon series, but, of course, you would be so very, very wrong. A lawsuit filed yesterday reveals that Carol Burnett is suing Fox for the impressive variety of slights Family Guy writers managed to cram into a throwaway gag that lasts just a few seconds—they're nothing if not ruthlessly efficient in their kitchen-sink approach to comedy—on a recent episode of the series, like the misappropriation of her Charwoman character (kids, ask your grandparents!) and her show's theme song, and for turning her signature ear-tugging into something predictably filthy. The cost of Family Guy's "Hey, look, it's Carol Burnett cleaning up after some messy onanists!" bit, if her lawyers get what they want? Over $6 million. Please take a moment to review the above clip of the episode to be better informed about the offenses cited in this explosive legal proceeding.