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  • Read all about Hassan Elmasry, the Morgan Stanley portfolio manager who's trying to take the Times out of Sulzberger family hands, and the man responsible for tearing Pinch Sulzberger a new one at the late February board meeting. (In PowerPoint, no less!) [WSJ]
  • The Times' February numbers give him some great new ammunition. [BW]
  • Amanda Congdon: "I am not subject to the "rules" traditional journalists have to follow." Not with a set like that, sure. [Amanda Congdon]
  • Portfolio: secretive start-up will feature the many ellipses of Tom Wolfe, who is apparently part of a Take Your Father To Work Day program. [NYO]
  • Conrad Black not the world's most honest man, say prosecutors in Chicago trial. [Guardian]
  • Lady Black: You vermin and sluts know who you are. [E&P]
  • Can Ira Glass be as irritating on television as he is on radio? We're guessing yes. [NYT]
  • Life in these United States getting uncomfortable for staff at the increasingly Condefied Reader's Digest. [NYP]
  • Sam Zell takes another shot at buying Tribune, keeping this fucking story alive. [WSJ]
  • Young people much better judges of talent than we had previously given them credit for being. [Boston Globe]
  • Last one out at the Globe, please turn off the lights. [Boston Phoenix]
  • Media buyers cannot get enough KRAUTHAMMER. [WSJ]
  • Conde Nast Media Group president Richard Beckman is so much fun to work for that it's amazing no one wants to do it. [WWD]
  • Life & Style: hell on earth. Hello, it's in New Jersey. [NYP]